Basic and Intermediate Tree Falling
(Level 2 chainsaw operation)
Duration and objectives
This Level 2 course is delivered over three days. However, participants should already be competent in trimming and crosscutting felled trees and basic chainsaw maintenance. Where all of the units are delivered together in a single block of training, the duration will depend on the participant's level of skill and experience.
At the end of the course, participants will be accredited in the competencies they achieve. Those participants who are able to demonstrate aptitude and tree falling skills beyond the 'basic' level will be offered an assessment of competency at the 'intermediate' level.
Topic Covered in Level 2 chainsaw operation
Safety procedures and environmental care
Chainsaw maintenance (see Trim and cut felled trees)
Trimming and crosscutting (see Trim and cut felled trees)
Basic Tree Falling
Assessing a tree and planning the falling procedure
Preparing an escape route
Cutting the scarf
Cutting the back-cut
Using wedges
Intermediate Tree Falling
All of the Basic Tree Falling, plus:
Correct use of multiple wedges
Correct use of multiple back cuts
Competency accreditations
FWPCOT2254: Maintain chainsaws
FWPCOT2256: Trim and cut felled trees
FWPCOT2253: Fell trees manually (basic)
FWPFGM3216: Fell trees manually (intermediate)
Also available are:
FWPHAR3205: Harvest trees manually (intermediate)